I don't have much time this morning for a detailed post as I'm meeting two ladies for a good cup of coffee. One of the huge perks of being a stay-at-home mom. So...I choose to show the little faces that greet me everymorning. No matter how many times we get up through the night, or how horrible the previous day was, there is always those minutes in the morning when everything is forgotten. Hearing the little footsteps coming from Kaylin's room, the door open and a very cheerful "good-morning sunshine". Jacob can't get out of his crib yet, thankfully, but going into his room in the morning is pretty great as well. His chubby little face beaming like your the best thing in the world, and he throws his blankets and soother over the crib, as if to say, "its a new day Mom, get me out of here!". On that note, its going to be a wonderful day!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
It's a New Day
I don't have much time this morning for a detailed post as I'm meeting two ladies for a good cup of coffee. One of the huge perks of being a stay-at-home mom. So...I choose to show the little faces that greet me everymorning. No matter how many times we get up through the night, or how horrible the previous day was, there is always those minutes in the morning when everything is forgotten. Hearing the little footsteps coming from Kaylin's room, the door open and a very cheerful "good-morning sunshine". Jacob can't get out of his crib yet, thankfully, but going into his room in the morning is pretty great as well. His chubby little face beaming like your the best thing in the world, and he throws his blankets and soother over the crib, as if to say, "its a new day Mom, get me out of here!". On that note, its going to be a wonderful day!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Ups and Downs
Friday was a terrible-horrible-no-good-very bad day. As Anne of Green Gables would say "a JONAH day"..althought I can't imagine that my day was as bad as being swallowed up by a fish. When the alarm clock went off bright and early I woke up to the sounds of wailing, a good indication on what the day would be like. By 10 I was sitting cross-legged on the floor with a child on each knee both wailing. My day in a nutshell. Smart Lindsey...when the kids finally went down for nap/quiet time I decided to embark on the adventure of making bread. What better way to get rid of your frustrations than pounding on a ball of dough? The problem was I have inherited a bread machine from my Grandma, its rather old and I couldn't find the instructions for it. Who needs instructions, you just mix the bread and put it in, right? The mixing was rather easy, I then plopped it in the machine and pushed some buttens. An hour later I realized that the machine wasn't working. So I took the dough out and started to pound it with my hands. I then put it in stove to rise. Three hours later no rising had happened. So I baked it. and it came out like hockey pucks, even the dog wouldn't touch them, and so I called Drew to bring home fresh buns from the store. On a good day it I would have chalked it up for experience, on a bad day not so much.
Thank-fully we had an adult night with some friends and it was lovely. A glass of wine with a lot of laughter was exactly what I needed. The next morning I helped out at our chuches Easter VBS program. I was asked to teach the kids the song "Up from the Grave He arose", it was fun. The Lord knew it was exactly what I needed. Another plus was that my parents took care of the kids for me and it was nice to get out of the house and help out. And I learned a couple of things this weekend. On a bad day don't start something new, just complete the things that need to be done, and be involved in church activities. Drew and I are busy, we grumble to each other about things we have agreed to help out with but never once have we come home from a church event and grumbled. We often feel ashamed at our selfish thoughts leading up the "event". We always come home feeling refreshed and alive. With more energy then we started with. And we're reminded that our lives are the Lord's, not ours. On that note I am going to bake bread this week....and it will be rise and be good. If it doesn't I will go to the bakery and buy fresh bread...until mine decides to rise. If not then at least Kaylin will have had fun.
Thank-fully we had an adult night with some friends and it was lovely. A glass of wine with a lot of laughter was exactly what I needed. The next morning I helped out at our chuches Easter VBS program. I was asked to teach the kids the song "Up from the Grave He arose", it was fun. The Lord knew it was exactly what I needed. Another plus was that my parents took care of the kids for me and it was nice to get out of the house and help out. And I learned a couple of things this weekend. On a bad day don't start something new, just complete the things that need to be done, and be involved in church activities. Drew and I are busy, we grumble to each other about things we have agreed to help out with but never once have we come home from a church event and grumbled. We often feel ashamed at our selfish thoughts leading up the "event". We always come home feeling refreshed and alive. With more energy then we started with. And we're reminded that our lives are the Lord's, not ours. On that note I am going to bake bread this week....and it will be rise and be good. If it doesn't I will go to the bakery and buy fresh bread...until mine decides to rise. If not then at least Kaylin will have had fun.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Building a Christian Home

I love to read. I read all kinds of books but my favorites are fiction. I tend to push aside the educational books in order to read more about my new favorite plot line. What a shame, my new goal is to read these books that will help to feed my mind and not only my imagination. This book was given to Drew and I when Jacob was born, 16 months ago. It was put into our church slot from an older couple of our church. What a beautiful gift to give parents. A glimpse into how to build a Christian home. During the move it was packed away and last night I finally finished the last chapter. Wow! Near the end of the book the auther ends each segment with three huge words "worship services daily". Its not a super heavy book or a difficult book to read its just a good reminder on what a Christian home should look like.
The sun is bright this morning and its looking like it will be a good park day! Enjoy!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
My role as Mom is changing. Before it was making sure the kids where changed and feed and loved. Now its becoming dentist appointments, swimming lessons and library days. At dinner Kaylin picks up on things we read in the Bible, discipline is becoming a bit more challenging and the questions we need to answer! Kaylin had her first dentist appointment yesterday. Three weeks ago she feel off the couch putting her tooth through her lip....that same tooth is turning grey. Turns out its just means the tooth may be dying...just...right. Oh and it possible can turn more black. My mind is racing to the next three years of family pictures. I have prepared myself for the pictures of smiles with gaping holes but black teeth I have not. For now we leave it and wait and see. I try not to imagine how black it may become, because pictures are not about looks but memories. Because if its best for it to stay in for the sake of the future teeth than that is what we will do. So I focus on other things, she sat so well in that huge dentist chair. She tried so hard to do everything they asked her. Like clamp down on that huge stick so they could take an xray. I sat in the corner to watch in case she needed me. She didn't. She told me I could leave to take care of Jacob. What a big girl she has become!
And...I finally discovered who the sock thief in our house was.....
And...I finally discovered who the sock thief in our house was.....
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Flowers and Rainy Days
Last week was March break. I took my first break from teaching piano since Sept and had a wonderful time with the kids. As much as I love piano I think we all needed a week with no interruptions. The sun was warm and beautiful, we enjoyed walks and parks, played on our deck, made me feel more blessed that we were able to move off a busy street into a wonderful neighborhood. This week it rains. And its cold. Sometimes its hard to find activities for the kids when the weather is not nice. I get grumpy and drink too much coffee. As I stared out my window this morning Kaylin reminded me that "God makes rain too right Mommy". Amazing what children remind you of! and so we set off to make some crafts. And a rainy morning becomes a wonderful morning. Kaylin's favorite masterpiece from today.

And I have a morning at home to appreciate my flowers. My parents dropped of the first bunch of flowers on Saturday afternoon. A dear friend brought me some tulips that night. My home is starting to feel a bit more like spring, and my mind is racing with plans for a garden. Vegetable garden? rose bushes? I get to start fresh at our new place. And I'm excited!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Life is chaotic, we don't mean it to be but it becomes so quickly. We mean to cherish those small moments in time when the kids say or do something that you say you will never forget, a couple of months later you are left scratching your head trying to remember and you don't. You mean to, but you can't. I like to think a blog will help me to capture and remember these moments that fly by. To help me remember those fuzzy years of diapers and sleepless nights. To hold close to my heart the happenings of things not so pleasant, but later will become the things we call memories, eggs thrown out of a grocery cart, the toothpaste plastered all over the bathroom, the diaper cream used as "paint". And to share our lives with family and friends who live far. We started off as two, husband and wife with hopes and dreams. We are now four, the dreams have changed, our goals have changed and we thankful for the direction the Lord has guided us. Enjoy!
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