My stomach is in knots for my young musicians. They have all worked so hard this year and tonight is the time for them to shine. To make mistakes and learn to keep playing. To have a feeling of accomplishment and relief when it is over. I love ending the year this way. Next week I do have my last week of lessons, this gives me one week to come up with some small tips and suggestions for students to practise over the summer. And then it is 10 weeks off. 10 weeks where our house will be ours, where the kids can be loud and sleep as long as they want.
The past couple of weeks have been exciting! I have a new nephew, Mark Andrew was born to Nate and Stace. He is adorable! and parenthood suits them. I'll post pictures eventually, I just need to make sure I have permisson. This is the first boy to carry on the Jansen van Doorn name!
And this week a dear friend of mine had a little baby boy, Gavin. My dear friend who I went to highschool with. We started "hanging" around in grade 12, along with two other girls. And since then the four of us have been best of friends. We've watched eachother grow up from silly teens into mature women. We've seen eachother fall in love and get married, and now we have families. Friends are like gold. We are all so different, yet thats what makes us close. We may not all talk as often as we like but when there's a need there's a sense of knowledge and peace that they are just a phone call away.
Congrats to Nate and Stace and Steff and Kev! May the Lord guide you all as you raise your little boys to know Him!