Something about pregnancy makes me like to relive past memories. Right now of vacations. Here are some of my favorite ones from last summer.
Last summer we headed out into the States and went cottaging with my family. Sadly Jacob is missing from most of these pictures as he choose to scream his way into the night and sleep his way through the day....such is life! Kaylin had a blast though.
One highlight to being on vacation with others means you can leave your kids at times outside the stores, Laura and Fran watched the kids a couple of times so Drew an I could go inside....only to walk out a minute later holding our breath at the cost. Although the chocolate cherries at 6 dollars for a tiny bag were pretty good...
One day we went to see the local blacksmith. Jacob wasn't sleeping, although he was going through "all I want is to be held by Grandpa" stage. After the cottage he would put his arms up for any man with a mustache. Seriously...
Last summer there was four grandchildren. Since then two more babies have been added and by the end of 2010, the Lord willing, another two. Crazy to think about future get-togethers!