
Thursday, January 27, 2011

the terrible horrible no good very bad day

We read this book as kids. It sat on the bookshelves downstairs and my memory tells me it was read often. Funny how some books stick to your mind. I have tried to write an entry 4 times in the last 24 hours, only to be interrupted by illness, screaming and temper tantrums. The latter being the most difficult.

Do not be deceived by the sweet, innocent face. He is a ticking time bomb waiting to go off at any given moment. For any apparent reasons. Some days he is sweet and content and he seems to choose the days to explode when my energy is at its lowest and the little one is at her fussiest. Joy of parenting.

This week found me cleaning up vomit like I have never done before. At the same moment in which Bell was hooking up our phone, Internet and tv. In which Jacob was throwing a temper and in which Maddie was demanding to be held. The tv technician laughed when he saw our tv and said "that's it?" to which I wanted to point upstairs and say "that's how that happened...", but I didn't cause I was busy running around looking for the mop, soap and trying to figure out if I could go back to work for a day and leave the kids elsewhere. Kaylin was the sick one, crying and saying "Mommy, tummies are supposed to LIKE food!". Poor Drew came home to a couch full of more vomit, a screaming girl who HAD to take a shower and didn't want to. Something about projectile things stuck in hair made me force a win on that one. He did good, he walked in the door, calmly grabbed a screaming Jacob, went to clean up the messy couch and said "coffee hunny?". yes PLEASE! and the next day he came home with a bottle of wine....and some chocolate. He knows me well.

This is apart of being at home. Like any job you have good days and you have bad days. Sometimes I wonder if the bad days are given to help you appreciate the good. Today we seem back on schedule. Kaylin is playing with her polly pockets and Jacob with his train set and Maddie is sleeping. And I have managed to finish a whole cup of coffee while it was still warm, AND write a blog entry. The start of a better day.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Week in a Nutshell

I'm learning much about parenting. That with each new addition there is less time to blog, read or sip wine. These things are now done quickly or not at all. Naps are to be grabbed whenever possible, puzzles are wonderful ways to play with two kids at once while rocking a baby. There is so much enjoyment in snuggling the baby in the evening when the house is quiet. No worries about spoiling the little one who is content during the day to sit in her chair and watch the flurry of life going by. The 4:30 feedings have become my quiet time. To enjoy SILENCE. I understand now how quickly time flies by and how quickly they grow and I find myself enjoying this newborn baby stage.

This one loves the bath. This is a new experience for me. Its fun. Fun to see Kaylin and Jacob squish on a chair to watch. They pass me the soap and the washcloth. I try to find ways to keep them involved.

Drew was home this week. So he painted. The old purple of previous owners is finally covered up with a wonderful blue. Yes blue. Just wait until I post pictures and the sceptics of this colour choice for a girls room will be shown. Next week I'm off to used stores in search for girly accents. I have no idea exactly what but I'm thinking fabrics and canvas.....

And this is the face that is telling me to make Jacob stop "beeping" my nose....and for some reasons all my pictures are coming out fuzzy...

Have a nice weekend!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


This little tyke has found her thumb. SUCH a content baby!

I have been feeling overwhelmed with blessings. Blessings of family and friends helping out, of kindness and thoughtfulness being showered on us. Girlfriends have been in and out of the house helping with cleaning and cooking, Kaylin's been picked up for a playdate, phone calls and thoughtful e-mails. To be apart of a church community is a blessing. A witness to the neighbors, who see people coming and going carrying food containers and staying to help. Having parents and inlaws so willing to lend a hand, family close. These are things not to take for granted. And to which I want to say thank-you. The adjustment of having a new baby in the house is going well, the easiest adjustment so far. My recovery from the c-section seems to be going twice as quickly as it did with Jacob, and I seem to be dealing with fatigue quite well. Perhaps because its our third and my body has never gotten used to sleep since Kaylin was born? No sleep is easier to handle when you've done it before and Drew and I seem to have this figured out. We're in it together. We know when the other needs a break and we've been taking turns. Without having to ask eachother. Another blessing. We have grown together so much over the last 5 years and the kids have made us grow even more.

Kaylin and Jacob are happy. As the flu has left them they are now allowed to hold Maddie again. Our attempt at keeping germs away from her proved difficult for the kids, but we did our best to keep her away. Thankfully she only got a slight cold which lasted for a day. And time seems to keep ticking away. And now I must go and bundle up a little girl who is waiting patiently to go jump in the snow!