I baked and cooked for a Mom in our church who just had her 4th. Drew organized my closets. Seriously. He's good with things like that. I tend to throw things in when doing a frantic clean. Quickly shut the door and hope nothing falls. We had a normal day and I was glad. To just be home. It ended rather badly as we dealt with some strong attitude from a certain almost 4 year old. But this is life as parents. And parent we must, to deal with attitude rather than ignore it. This morning all was forgotten and our happy Kaylin was back after a goods night rest.
Thursday we baked. My attempts at getting rid of a terrible headache. Baking with kids is NOT the way to get rid of headaches. Neither is going to Costco. But oh what fun the kids had. Baking is difficult with 2. Turn your back and the salt gets dumped in, or little fingers too eager to taste try just the butter and flour. The eggs are in danger of being beaten to hard, the floors in danger of being assaulted with flour and sugar.
The work of cleanup is significant. But yet, I am thankful to be able to do this with the kids. Although sometimes...in the early hours that we call evening I bake by myself. Listening to loud music...and getting to lick the spoons all by myself. What devotion to give up the licking of the spoons to the kids. And food for thought...mixing zucchini bread in a dutch soup pan does NOT work. It would be worth the investment to replace the mixing bowls that have either been broken or used for other things. Like a water bowl for the dog...or a place to store nails and fix-it thingys. We have much fix-it thingys laying around our house.
Friday I had coffee with the girls. 4 of us and 10 little ones. The 10 little ones dominate the conversations but the 4 of us are good with that. Just hanging out and getting out of the house. To encourage eachother by seeing that other kids behave the SAME way. To remind ourselves that we are not in this alone. And the sun is shinning once again and hopefully this snow melts and the sharp cold stops. How I long for spring and parks!
I can't wait to try to bake with Cora...or can I? Doesn't look easy but does look fun!