Two weekends ago found us on a bit of a short holiday. Life has been hectic so about a month ago Drew and I sat down, him with his blackberry, me with my calendar to schedule in a 24 hour vacation. How ridiculous I felt....that we now have to touch base once a week with our calendars to ensure that we don't forget anything! Anyways it was wonderful. Time to spend with the kids, to give them our full attention, no phones, no computers, no distraction. We spent one day walking along the waterfall and the second day we spent at an indoor waterpark. No pictures of the waterpark I'm afraid, as we bought a disposable camera. We had our hads, a disposable camera was one less worry. It was FUN! Kaylin and I raced down waterslides, swam in the wave pool. Jacob was brave enough at the end to run into the water and run back out. He's a funny boy, hated the water until we realized that it wasn't the water but the ground he didn't like, put his shoes back on and he was running around after that.
It sadden me how many parents were sitting along the sidelines with their kids racing down the slides and them on their iphones or blackberry's. An easy temptation but Drew and I have made a pact that when on holidays we will refrain. To watch the kids and encourage them. Kaylin mastered a slide by herself. Such little things to grownups but such huge steps for kids. They need to know that we care enough to clap when they do something on their own. I can't help but think if you don't care enough as a parent to watch the little things how will you care when the little things become big? How do you establish the relationship with your children if even on holidays you show that everything else is more important? We realized that weekend that the kids are growing fast, that Kaylin is beginning to thrive on having a tiny bit of freedom. I think it was easier when they were all in strollers....
This little one was wonderful. Ready to be lugged about anywhere as she simply sleeps wherever when she has had enough. It was refreshing after Jacob, who as a baby was awful about being lugged around and would often repay us with screaming all night. She....she just sleeps. and eats. and because of that has the most wonderful, kissable rolly polly legs in the world.
Even a little holiday requires a lot of work, a lot of packing a lot of unpacking. To spend the time together was amazing. A gift. An opportunity to reconnect, as we sat in the hall of the hotel waiting for the kids to sleep! I think Drew and I were exhausted when we came back, but yet re-energized. A good weekend! and a sad one as we said farewell to my sister and her family who are moving further away. We pray for them as they start life as a new minster in a new congregation, a new city. But to have family together again was, a blessing!
What a wonderful idea. These are precious times, memories in the making. A blessing to your family.
ReplyDeleteIt was FUN! hope the new house is treating you guys well!