
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Adventures of a 10 month Old

I'm baby number 3.  I don't stop moving and am completely capable of keeping up with my older siblings.  Where they go I will go, what they eat I want to eat.  When they cry I cry and when they dance I dance.  And when the camera comes out it is game time!

A game of sitting perfectly still, and then when Mommy goes to snap the pictures I twist and make a run for it.

Then I look down and search for forgotten cheerios.

sticking out a tongue makes a great picture

Finally!  and the once clean face is now full of snot.....  and Mommy will give up and put the camera away.  

How DO you take pictures of a 10 month old?!


  1. i think my kiddos 10 mo pictures look similar! love that stage. she is a doll. so precious. makes me feel like we really do need a 3rd! : )

  2. Oh, I feel your pain! My first was a breeze to photograph. So willing. Smiling. Charming. Then my 2nd came along and she was great until she got a mind of her own. It's nearly impossible to photograph either one of them without some sort of distraction, or prop. I assume that means by the time baby #3 is a reality then I might as well just forgettaboutit. :P

    She's a cutie, snot and all!!!
