
Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday Confessions

The kids were eating breakfast by 6:30a.m.  Then I let them watch tv in pj's and I curled up and watched an episode of Heartland on the computer.  I totally blew the 30 min/day of tv watching before 9:00a.m.  It happens.  My only comfort?  Listening to the kids for the last hour running around playing superman with baby spit clothes tied around their necks.  They remain unaffected, I think.  Although they are currently saving the world of us from giant grapes who are attacking???  

I love Heartland.  Its a bit cheesy, has absolutely no smut/swearing and most scenes include horses and cowboy hats.  And did I mention that its decent?  Which is seriously becoming hard to find and gives me something new to watch and a break from watching re-runs of the Cosby Show.

 I have tripped over this tractor 3 times in the last 25 min.

I finished my third consecutive week of teaching Little Lambs (ages 3-5) on Sunday afternoon, the class ranged from 18-28 kids...under 6... then after dinner I played piano for a worship service at a nursing home home. To summarize I have a very healthy respect to all teachers, a renewed love for practicing the piano and an explanation for my early morning house coat and t.v. watching.

Maddie's been trying to figure out how to get the cheese out of the wrapper after every grocery shopping trip for the past month.  The evidence is the teeth marks in all of our cheese, actually over all of the groceries she can get her hands on...

Happy Monday!


  1. My Littlest does the same thing with the cheese packages. I try to hope that whoever touched it the fifty million times before it ended up in our cart was one with good hygiene. HA!

    Tripping over tractors. I do it all day long. There is no shortage of tractors at our house!

    I've seen bits and pieces of Heartland, but have no idea what the storyline is about. I hear ya on junk tv. We have an "antenna" tv station that plays all the good ol' shows. Between that and Downton Abbey on PBS, I stick to Netflix!

  2. We have watched the Cosby show almost all the way through because we are super careful about what we watch. Will have to try Heartland.

    I trip over toys all day long. Drives me crazy.

    1. the quality and content is not comparable to the Cosby show....its a bit cheesy and more chick-flicky, which means Drew doesn't like it. But it is decent and it has horses:)

  3. yes, i'm with ya on the early morning house coat stuff... as hard as being a sahm can be, i wouldn't rather be doing anything else at all! even if it involves stubbed toes and lego-shaped marks on my feet. : )

    your baby is scrumptious!
