
Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Its been rather hectic around here. Most of our time is spent outside. The front garden is cleaned up a bit and now its time to tackle the back. On nice days I wonder what I did during the winter months when we were stuck inside. Those months are hard for stay-at-home moms. Being able to open that back door and chase the kids outside is wonderful. The tv is on less, the kids are happy and I have some space. The kids also sleep better at night! Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live somewhere where the weather was always this nice. On the other hand, I love Canada for the diverse seasons. A cold winter sure makes you appreciate spring!

The wonderful things about spring is the making plans for summer vacation. Last year we went cottaging with my entire family, the year before we went camping with Drew's family. This year is our first year with the kids that we are on our own! And so we're camping, at McGregor Point. We were going to stay closer to home but decided that three hours away is perfect. We'll get away from everything around us for one entire week. We've rented a trailor from another couple in our church and we're going on an adventure. Camping is a lot of work with small children, but we do it for the family. For the family to get away every year with just us. To spend time hiking and swimming, reading and playing. I know this trip will be a lot of work for me. I've heard Moms say that you almost need a holiday from camping when your done. Yet there's something important about taking time off with your family. Its important to Drew and I that we get used to doing something with just the four of us. To not always have a need to go on holidays with others. A time for Drew and I to sit at a campfire and chat when the kids are in bed. And so we booked our campsite last night. We poured over the maps of the campground trying to find the site that was relatively close to a comfort station, but not to close. It was fun and I can't wait!

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