Inside each egg is a symbol, the first one is the donkey, another one is the crown of thorns that Jesus was made to wear. With each symbol you tell the story of God sending down HIS Son to us. It went over well. (Kaylin was a bit more concerned with what was in the pink egg) but every year we will do this. And it will become apart of our tradition. And in a couple of years we will hid these eggs among the chocolate ones and we will get the nieces and nephews and our own to take turns telling us the story. After the story we sent the kids out for an Easter egg hunt.
Emma and Jacob thought there were more important things than chocolate eggs.
When Oma tried giving Jacob his easter goodies he may have grabbed them and threw them aside. In favor for a motorbike. We may have our hands full with this one!
And do you know what Kaylin said to me last night, "God died for us didn't He Mommy". And I realized that what we do is not in vain. And each year we will teach them a little bit more. And we will continue the fight that our parents fought, and our grandparents fought, and the fight that we know our children will fight. The fight to put God first in a world that a has no use for Him.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life". John 3:16
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