I've been lazy in my devotions. I tend to flip to the New Testament thinking its more relevant than the old. Our family devotions are distracting to me, I'm busy folding little hands and little arms, teaching these little people to sit still and show obedience. And I miss out on really listening to the Lords words.
To change this I started studying Samuel in the mornings, going through the stories that we are taught as children and so quickly become fuzzy when you don't keep it up. I forgot how meaningful it is. To see the mistakes and disobedience of the kings of Israel, so easy to understand why they were done. This morning I read the story of when the Lord commands Saul to destroy all the Amalekites and everything within their city. To take back nothing. And Saul does destroy most, but keeps the best of the livestock, of "everything that was good". And when confronted by Samuel Saul sounds confused and replies "But I did obey the Lord...I went on the mission the Lord assigned me. I completely destroyed the Amalekites and brought back Agag their king. The soldier took shep and cattle from plunder, the best of what was devoted to God, in order to sacrifice them to the Lord your God at Gilgal".
How often do we do this? We know what the Lords commands of us and yet we think perhaps we know better? Our excuses are I'm doing it for the Lord but in reality its for selfish reasons. How often do we push back devotions and prayer for something else. We have time for family, for the kids, for friends even for church events. We do extra things for others and push the Lord back. For we are doing these things to please Him and yet it is so easy to take for granted the words He has given us. This morning I was reminded that our FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT task is to put HIM first. When I do my devotions I am never disapointed. And yet I push it aside. And we learn from the "ancient" stories of the old testament. We learn from seeing the disobedience of God's children. And we are blessed to have these reminders that teach us that obedience is in doing what the Lord says. Not what we think He wants.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Father's Day
We learned a lesson on Mother's day. To not make the day more hectic than we have to. So for Father's Day Drew got a comfy chair for outside (with foot rest) and he got me a cell phone. I don't think he likes me driving around with two and half kids...so for his sanity I accepted. And feel rather cool that I'm carrying a phone.
Instead of writing I'm going to show pictures. Pictures of the father that Drew has become. The boyfriend who turned into a husband and then a father. These steps that are so huge yet he made look so easy. He lets the kids tag along when he fixes something on the house, never letting on that without their "help" he could get it down in half the time. He cuddles Kaylin and plays with Jacob, because they need different things and he knows that.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
the man

My mom took this yesterday when she was babysitting (Happy birthday today!) Love it! Don't let the serious look deceive you. He's actually a clown trying his hardest to find things that make us laugh. He's a handful. A little person that needs constant eyes on him as its impossible to imagine what he's going to get into. Like on Sunday when he managed to sneek away from us and Drew found him outside crawling through a puddle, the only puddle I might add that was outside those doors. And I also might add that he no longer crawls, only when there are puddles to be splashed in. The church we were visiting is being renovated which means the congregation meets in the school. Jacob saw the basketball nets and started mumbling about balls. 15 sec's later he comes stumbling out of the equipment room with a ball. Managed to sneek in there when the guys were putting chairs away.
This summer is going to be fun! Both kids are old enough to skip naps which means stretching out morning visits to splash pads and wading pools. I've lined my parents up for a beach day already. Last year this was difficult to do, Jacob was sick a lot and due to this our doctor wanted him exposed to other kids as little as possible, which meant we were stuck at home a lot. Thankfully he's become a sturdy little guy who can handle more germs than before. Which means more outings for us! It also helps that most of my girlfriends are either on mat leave or at home with kids. Let the summer begin!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Sunny Friday Afternoons
This is what I wish I was doing right now. Having a long snooze. Funny how such a small baby growing inside you can make you so sleepy.
On fridays my house is bursting with kids. Right now I take care of three extra little ones, its fun. Very hectic, more hectic than I may have imagined but its fun. Kaylin and Jacob love it, in fact they seem to thrive on it. Jacob keeps touching one litte girls earings and saying "pretty". Ladies man...Kaylin and her little friend play well together. They had a picnic under our tree this afternoon and played house. Its halarious watching their imaginations go wild. We're heading into a good busy weekend. Dine and dash is tomorrow and we're hosting dessert, any ideas? And a baptism on Sunday. And as these little ones need my attention I wish you all a wonderful weekend!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
the fun of countdowns
I have a couple of countdowns that are ongoing. One is done. The recital went off as a huge success, our biggest crowd ever. All the students did a terrific job. The second countdown is almost done. My last piano lesson was taught today and now t12 weeks off! And another countdown is just beginning. God willing, another little baby will enter into our family in Nov/Dec. We're not sure of our duedate yet but we're approx. 15/16 weeks along. My ultrasound tomorrow will show more exacts. In total Lindsey style I thought I would tackle another pregnancy like the last two. A bit sleepy, a little less energy. But my walks would continue, as would my hectic schedule. Not so much, this little one is making me very sick, and the list of foods I cannot eat seem to grow each day. In church I made a bit of a scene of letting everything go black not sure where I was....poor Drew I think he thought he was going to have to carry me out! But thankfully I snapped out of it fairly quickly, after it appeared that I was going to topple over the pew infront and collapse onto the child who innocently sat there. I was able to walk out by myself and sat in the library with juice. And realized that perhaps this was a sign that I needed to take it easy! Which as of yesterday I will. That is not a scene I want repeated. And the Lord is teaching me that not everything will go exactly how we imagine it.
And Kaylin has found her winter boots hidden in the garage. Boots that apparantly are perfect for wearing outside, so ants don't crawl between little toes. She calls them her "garden" boots. And the last couple of weeks is constantly changing her clothes. I give her a choice in the morning, usually between two shirts and a pair of shorts. But by afternoon she wanders into her room to play and comes out in something completely different. Like the shirt Oma bought for Jacob. She's claimed it since its too big for Jacob and loves it. And would wear it day in and day out. It is her "Jacob" shirt.

And Jacob not to be outdone perfers to roam in as little clothes as possible. With Kaylins "garden" boots.
And Kaylin has found her winter boots hidden in the garage. Boots that apparantly are perfect for wearing outside, so ants don't crawl between little toes. She calls them her "garden" boots. And the last couple of weeks is constantly changing her clothes. I give her a choice in the morning, usually between two shirts and a pair of shorts. But by afternoon she wanders into her room to play and comes out in something completely different. Like the shirt Oma bought for Jacob. She's claimed it since its too big for Jacob and loves it. And would wear it day in and day out. It is her "Jacob" shirt.
And Jacob not to be outdone perfers to roam in as little clothes as possible. With Kaylins "garden" boots.
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