My mom took this yesterday when she was babysitting (Happy birthday today!) Love it! Don't let the serious look deceive you. He's actually a clown trying his hardest to find things that make us laugh. He's a handful. A little person that needs constant eyes on him as its impossible to imagine what he's going to get into. Like on Sunday when he managed to sneek away from us and Drew found him outside crawling through a puddle, the only puddle I might add that was outside those doors. And I also might add that he no longer crawls, only when there are puddles to be splashed in. The church we were visiting is being renovated which means the congregation meets in the school. Jacob saw the basketball nets and started mumbling about balls. 15 sec's later he comes stumbling out of the equipment room with a ball. Managed to sneek in there when the guys were putting chairs away.
This summer is going to be fun! Both kids are old enough to skip naps which means stretching out morning visits to splash pads and wading pools. I've lined my parents up for a beach day already. Last year this was difficult to do, Jacob was sick a lot and due to this our doctor wanted him exposed to other kids as little as possible, which meant we were stuck at home a lot. Thankfully he's become a sturdy little guy who can handle more germs than before. Which means more outings for us! It also helps that most of my girlfriends are either on mat leave or at home with kids. Let the summer begin!
yes, let it begin! it's going to be amazing!