I have a couple of countdowns that are ongoing. One is done. The recital went off as a huge success, our biggest crowd ever. All the students did a terrific job. The second countdown is almost done. My last piano lesson was taught today and now t12 weeks off! And another countdown is just beginning. God willing, another little baby will enter into our family in Nov/Dec. We're not sure of our duedate yet but we're approx. 15/16 weeks along. My ultrasound tomorrow will show more exacts. In total Lindsey style I thought I would tackle another pregnancy like the last two. A bit sleepy, a little less energy. But my walks would continue, as would my hectic schedule. Not so much, this little one is making me very sick, and the list of foods I cannot eat seem to grow each day. In church I made a bit of a scene of letting everything go black not sure where I was....poor Drew I think he thought he was going to have to carry me out! But thankfully I snapped out of it fairly quickly, after it appeared that I was going to topple over the pew infront and collapse onto the child who innocently sat there. I was able to walk out by myself and sat in the library with juice. And realized that perhaps this was a sign that I needed to take it easy! Which as of yesterday I will. That is not a scene I want repeated. And the Lord is teaching me that not everything will go exactly how we imagine it.
And Kaylin has found her winter boots hidden in the garage. Boots that apparantly are perfect for wearing outside, so ants don't crawl between little toes. She calls them her "garden" boots. And the last couple of weeks is constantly changing her clothes. I give her a choice in the morning, usually between two shirts and a pair of shorts. But by afternoon she wanders into her room to play and comes out in something completely different. Like the shirt Oma bought for Jacob. She's claimed it since its too big for Jacob and loves it. And would wear it day in and day out. It is her "Jacob" shirt.

And Jacob not to be outdone perfers to roam in as little clothes as possible. With Kaylins "garden" boots.
Linds, i really thought I was the only one whose child changes a MILIION times a day! Glad to hear kaylin does it too :) Love the pics....Hope you feel better soon too!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you have a blog! You're babies are so sweet and congrats on another one coming! You are one brave lady to have them so close together:)