
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Lessons from King David

The morning came early for me today.  With the cries of the littlest one in the night.  She's not easy to comfort during the night, she doesn't like to snuggle.  So the getting her while still half asleep and tucking her in between us doesn't work.  It hasn't worked for two kids now and I admit that it was easier when it did work.  So when she is up we're up.  I tried tucking her in beside me but she tries to curl up on her tummy with her legs tucked under and her head tucked down and then she'll try doing this on top of me and then beside me.  She stretches out her feet and starts yammering.  By this time she is reminded that she doesn't like being cuddled and is usually fine when I put her back to bed. And then the alarm went off far too early and the other two jumped out of bed,  energy levels in full gear.

For me, these are the hard mornings of mothering.  The constant.  The energy you have to call forward when there doesn't seem to be any left.  Getting out of bed when all you want to do is stay curled up under the warm sheets and sleep for a little bit longer.  But you can't because there are bodies that need to be changed and tummies that need to be filled.  Stories to read and dreams to be listened to.  

And I am reminded of the discussion we had at bible study last night.  Twice a month I meet a group of ladies at our church, it is an all ages type of bible study.  And to me these are the best, when you can glean the wisdom of the older ladies and listen to the zeal of the younger ones and the experience of the ones in between.  Its a good mix and I leave feeling full, being reminded that I need to study more so some day I too will know my bible inside and out.  

We studied Ps 101.  And we poured over 8 verses.  8 verses that I normally would skim through became so rich and full.  A call of how we are to live.  And the words of King David, a man that despite his falls into sin was a man of Gods own heart.  Its a comfort, that this king who fell so many times came before the Lord in forgiveness and repentance.  And God did forgive, and love.  David's psalms are beautiful, they speak of joy and grief, of repentance and life. Its my first time studying psalms, and at first I found it difficult, but through this study I am finding a beauty in them that I didn't see before. I love that, that I can study something that I've read so many times before and still uncover a depth that I failed to see.

"I will sing of your love and justice, to you O LORD I will sing praise." Ps 101:1

And now I'm off to finish my coffee, in the hopes that caffeine will get me through until nap time:)  And last me through a library date with the kids.......


  1. Ahhh, I can appreciate and identify so much about this post! I love that the Word of God is LIVING. There is nothing, not one word that is dead or not applicable to our lives. It is so true that we ought be immersed in it more often, because it truly is a wellspring of life for those days when our heart and feet are dragging.

  2. Beautifully said! Isn't God good to give us these lessons? And role models who weren't role models at all, but sinful people dependent on a great, Grace-full God?? His mercies are new every morning, even/especially the early mornings :)
