We have had a wonderful yet rather challenging first week and a bit with our new addition. Madeline Gayle was borning on Monday morning, Dec 20 at 8:21 a.m. She cause much frustration in the days leading up to this. Much false labour, which lead Drew and I frantically packing kids up on a Saturday at midnight and dropping them off. Found us walking the halls and the doctors scratching their heads, not sure if it was real or not. But, on Monday morning Drew and I headed to the hosptial for our scheduled c-section. A bit of a nervous wreck I was and disappointed that this was the end. But I realize that some things are out of our hands and at the end of it we were snuggling a healthy, screaming little girl. A BIG healthy little girl who weighed in at 8lbs 13 oz. Just over a pound bigger than the other two. My first thought on seeing her was a amazement at the rolls she had on her! Chubby little legs and a round belly.
So proud of her little sister! Kaylin did fantastic being shipped out and has been such a help already.
Its been a rather busy time, a week of little time to do anything else but nurse, deal with temper tantrums from Jacob. He did not do so well with being shipped out and Drew ended up needing to have him at home at night so he could sleep. This little boy has been a bit lost these days. Then the flu hit us. The kids were the sickest they have ever been. High fevers that led us setting the alarm in between night feedings to check on them. Wiping heads with damp clothes to try to cool their skin. Drew and I came down with it. Thankfully not as serious as the kids and so far Maddie seems fine. We've been keeping her high up and away from the kids and I've been pretty much the only one handling her until this passes. We pray it passes soon! On the positive side, once this is over I believe I'll find dealing with cranky but healthy kids a breeze.
He wasn't to sure of this new little one.
Until he discovered something....
She comes with a nose! and eyes....and ears. He's doing well with her, a bit mad at Mommy these days but good with Maddie. I'm thankful his moods are directed at us and not her.
And its hard to believe that we are now a family of 5. What a wonderful blessing to celebrate this Christmas! Even in sickness :)