This is Jacob. The rowdy hyper little boy who seems to zap all my energy these days but makes us laught constantly and makes me dream of a nap by 11:00a.m. Who turns everything into a car, truck or monster. Who growls and roars when asked what noise any animal makes. We're pretty sure he thinks horses and cows and chickens should all make the noise of lions and large wild beasts. The boy who makes Drew and I both wonder which one of us is getting the "wait until you have one.."
The boy who has become Kaylin's best friend in the last couple of weeks. Since she has decided that being tackled and thrown to the ground is fun. Who taught me yesterday that rain is a gift from God to be enjoyed and not only viewed as an importance to the vegetation around us. To run around in and get soaked and to splash and come in dripping wet.
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