Now the spider webs in the corners are shouting at me, I see signs of dirt in places that I've been able to completely ignore. I've finally put the second coat of paint in Kaylin's room, we're moving Jacob in there soon so I can finish the decorating in their room and then can take the next couple of months to finish the baby's room. This way we're hoping that Kaylin and Jacob get used to sharing well before dealing with the newborn cries during the night. And for the first time in a long time I'm not overwhelmed at how far behind I am. I'll tackle a little each day.
This is real life. In which things don't always get done as we expect them but in which we need to handle one day at a time. And perhaps ignoring the things that are not as important as we deeem them to be and spending time with the little ones that are always to be a priorty. To realize that life does go on even if you can't be apart of some of the organizing. I'v been forced to slow my life down and because of this have spent the summer with the kids and with Drew. The last months have not been a waste. In fact I've had a lot of fun. We got a sandbox which has given the kids hours of play time while I sat beside them chopping on soda crackers and chatted about the different ways of building sandcastles and that no sand is not good for eating or for sleeping on. And no, it would not be good to have an entire backyard filled with sand. And no Jacob, sand is not for pouring on a sisters head or down her back even if you pretend its bath water.
Some of the projects that we wanted down are still waiting to be tackled. But we're learning that is okay. That when the baby comes our lives will be forced to slow down once again. But that the importance is to enjoy these times. The Lord is always good to us and sometimes the best lessons are the ones that are learned when you have to lean on others.
This is also real. In which Jacob sneaks his soother when he's not allowed. And when he yells at Kaylin...
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