Our dinner conversations are getting funnier as the kids talk more. Our Bible discussions are becoming halarious,in which Drew and I don't know wether to correct, laugh or hold our laughter. Last night we read the story of Moses in the basket. After Kaylin frowns and in deep thought asks "was the princess a flying princess?". The other night reading the story of Mary weeping outside of the tomb when it appeared empty, Drew asked if Kaylin knew why Mary was crying "Of course Daddy, her dog died." and one of our favorites was at story time in church the teacher was talking about the Trinity, Kaylin raised her hand and said "ohohohoh, the Trinity's coming to my house!" And Jacob can be found either sitting with hands folded waiting or growling like a large animal. Or if we take to long he starts putting bowls of half eaten food on his head, or pretends a fork is a dog bone.
Drew and I are often reminded that through this all these conversations are important to have, even if only to have that time with the kids. To have conversations and have the kids ask us questions. Some of my best memories of growing up was of gathering around the table. When we were kids, but then also as teens and young adults. We don't believe in the no talking at dinner (unless a certain Miss Kaylin ignores her food to chat constantly...then she is told to eat for a bit).
And we've been pet-sitting a rabbit named Daisy. The kids love it and Drew and I realize that we are not ready for another pet. Its halarious watching the kids walk Daisy, which is really them being walked by Daisy as she chooses where she wants to go. Its been a good summer!

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