
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

a week full of randoms

Jacob was playing pretend hairdresser the other day on Kaylin with pretend scissors.  I was in a rather blissful happy place in which the kids were not fighting, Maddie was stacking blocks and I was enjoying coffee and a book.  A rather rare sight these days.

Later, I found chunks of real hair thrown behind the couch after I saw Kaylin walking around with a box on her head.  Inconspicuous child that she is. Drew's wondering how I didn't see that coming.  Really?  I figured when I leaned over and asked if they were fake scissors that meant that my 3 year old had fake scissors...why would a 3 years old trade the fake ones in for real ones?  sigh...

And then, I took this picture, which at the time I thought was a cute bonding moment between older brother and younger sister.  When I downloaded the pictures I realized that he was in fact, attacking her shirt with scissors.  It has become apparent that all scissors, and tools that open into scissors, need to be under lock and key.

This one has started taking her shaky steps. Which I just can't get enough of and I kinda hope those shaky beginning steps hang around for awhile.  Although, when I take out the camera and draw attention to the fact that she is walking she frantically grasps the air for something - anything to hold onto.  When she doesn't think about it, she walks all over the house.  Funny girl.

Last week we headed to a Paul Brandt concert with friends.  It was super fun-adult-only-time, worth every penny and I wore plaid, brown boots and skinny jeans.  My girlfriend assured me it wasn't too country but just-enough-country.  I did in fact have to call my other girlfriend asking what she was going to wear.......can you tell I don't get out much?

Kaylin's been belting out the lines of the song Alabama "I'm in a hurry and to get things done" every time she sense that I am going to urge them to hurry.  I was left wondering after the concert how and when Drew and I became country fans.  Considering that it wasn't THAT long ago, before kids and marriage, that we would drive around listening to hip hop and rap.  But then, maybe it really WAS that long ago.  Time is flying, my baby is walking, my oldest is heading off to kindergarten in September and my middle one has turned a tupperware container into a skateboard.

Back to Paul Brandt - it was awesome to attend a concert where the twitter feeds were being monitored closely and at the sign of any slightly inappropriate twitter the screen was shut off.  He talked of faith openly and has given us music that is appropriate for little ears and gives me a break from classical and kids music.

With that our valentines day was a bit of a whirl wind, we did make finger paint (post for next time), but our baking/chocolate/heart making extravaganza is going to take place on a different day. One day we will actually celebrate a holiday on the right day:)

And I leave you with a rather crazy-hyper picture of a rather crazy-hyper little girl.  Who needs a haircut that I better tend to before Jacob takes it upon himself......


  1. oh dear Lindsey! It's always in the moments we THINK that the kids are being good that we stop paying attention and relish the moment. Always a mistake! lol SOOO funny that Kalin wore a box on her head! haha

    Paul Brandt was just awesome :) So glad you guys enjoyed it as much as we did!

  2. Oh yes, when they are entertaining themselves trouble is always nearby! How does that work?!? Tooo funny about the box, though. HA!
    I loathed country music until I married my Man, he's a diehard fan of the old classic country. I like the newer stuff if it's clean, I'll have to check out Paul Brandt.

    1. If you do check him out - listen to Rich Man and Convoy (since your hubby is an old country music guy)...

  3. oh my! scissors are scary. i have put ours up way high on the highest shelf in our tallest cupboard. ha!

  4. I always love your little random stories...glad you had a night with adults!

  5. When did Maddie get so big?!?! And I can totally relate to the battle of wanting to enjoy the quiet for 2 more minutes before going to check it out :) Hoping this week's 'randoms' are full of sunshine and coffee!
