
Friday, June 22, 2012

Small Joys

I love summer rain.  I love the way it smells, the way we scurry to clean-up a yard that had been used well throughout the day.  Toys that are scattered and quickly picked up, the kids eager to help while the  dark clouds roll in.  There's an excitement, a coziness to these rain storms.  The smell of coffee brewing, a candle flickering, the sounds of rain bouncing off the roof.  The quiet of little ones that have long been tucked into bed, tired after a day of splashing in a kiddie pool that is way to small for the three of them, yet one they love anyways.  I'm learning that kids don't need much in way of things, they're content figuring out how to play with the things around them.

I get caught up in.  Scouring the used stores and flyers for more toys, more clothes, more things.  Then, as I watched them this afternoon I was reminded that they really don't need much.  They need me, my attention, my love, my discipline.  A little encouragement at times to think of a new game, or a push to find something to do.  I'm working on curbing my desire for things, but I'm also working on not  using the kids as my outlet to buy things for.

They dug for dinosaur bones today, in the corner of my garden, a rather neglected spot that they have chosen for their own.  Jacob tried to plant a tree there once, only to pull it up and "plant" it instead in his room, in the toy box.  He was rather angry the next morning when he woke to discover the leaves had dropped off the little branch during the night, leaving behind the bare starkness of branches.

 I think of that little branch, with the leaves dried and scattered. I think of how easy it is to plant myself in a sea of wants, of things that I convince myself are needs.  And watching the three squish into a tiny kiddie pool?  They were happy, happy to splash and poor water on each other.  Happy with what they had before them, no thoughts of bigger and better.  I know it is a small comparison but I was reminded then of where I want to be planted.  Not in a place of wants and needs where my roots will struggle for survival, but in a place where they will thrive, in Christ, in His Word.

I've been asked by some of you where I got the print-outs for the paper bag puppets from this post.  Here's the link.  I always have a stack of paper bags in our craft box.  Kaylin prefers to make her own, but Jacob loves having these print-outs to cut and glue. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I caught my son playing tractors in his underthings this morning.  When I came outside he shouts "they are SUPERhero's on these!".  In other words, how dare you try to cover them up Mom.  He was wearing underwear, a shirt, one snow-boot and one of Kaylin's play princess shoes.  Go figure my camera battery is dead.

I was folding laundry and caught Maddie with a mini teacup, sipping some water.  I thought, wow she is really growing up, she must have climbed a chair and turned on the tap.  I continued folding laundry when the reality struck that there was no way she was able to do that.  I caught her dipping that mini teacup in the toilet.  Coffee anyone?

Who knew that this quiet little boy would grow into a 3 year old terror?

I had a salesperson knocking on my door at 7:30a.m.  Wanting to sell me children's book.  I stared at her confused and shouted to her that really it is not wise to knock on a Mom's door at 7:30 and ask to come in when she's still wearing her housecoat, her hair is sticking up all over and its obvious she hasn't had her coffee yet.  Actually I didn't, I said no thanks and firmly shut my front door and told hubby that we HAD to move to the country, NOW.  I've decided that cornfields are to be my new best neighbors. Nobody around for miles and time for me to wake up and drink coffee before facing the world.

We got a new coffee table two weeks ago.  Our 40 dollar one that we bought 7.5 years ago finally gave out.  And my new purchase came to a total of 63 dollars and I'm hoping it will last the next 7.5 years. 

I bought chemical free laundry soap and was excited.  Until hubby broke out in hives all over his body.  I've been asked to stop with the chemical free stuff and go back to the Tide.

And 'cause I'm feeling a bit goofy here's a picture for laughs, from a halloween long ago.  I'm the one in the middle, with a mop on my head and a Mom who can't remember what she dressed me up as:)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Remembering to Enjoy

I've been forgetting to enjoy this time.  So much noise all around, some of it unnecessary distractions that worm their way into being a focus when they should not be.  I've been having a strong desire to simplify life a bit and refocus my attention on our family.

Its time to step back from extra things and downsize. To embrace the little boy who runs to our bed in the middle of the night and dives in, terrified of the imaginary dinosaur chasing him.  Time to offer protection and love without holding back, without being disgruntled because these needs don't fit into my time schedule.  To shape and mold the fiery, independent spirit he has instead of growing frustrated and angry with it.

I left facebook the other day.  I felt a nudge to start taking away some of the distractions that have been causing extra noise in my head.  I love facebook, I find it beneficial and it can be a great tool.  Someday I may go back to it.  But right now I need to stop and re-focus on the real life around me, the little ones that need my attention.  My devotions that need to become a priority.  Not status updates and pictures of what everyone else is doing, but to enjoy this.  The role that I've been given.

To remember to stop  in the middle of the dishes and crank the music and dance.  To spread a blanket under the blue sky and read the stack of books that little hands so eagerly piled up.  And lay side by side with those little bodies that wiggle and giggle and interrupt the story with an excited finger pointing to a cloud shaped like a dog, and another like a tractor.  To set aside the computer and play soccer with Jacob, who played his first real game last week and is proudly sporting a No. 8 on his back.  To embrace this time with Kaylin before she starts kindergarten in September.  To grab onto those chubby arms of Maddie's when the reach up for my neck, to memorize the feeling of her head burying into my shoulder.  To get rid of some of the distractions and start saying "no" to extra activities.  To start enjoying being at home with them again.

Watching the bond between sisters grow is beautiful and I don't want to be so busy that I miss it.  This little one is developing quite the little personality, a girly girl who insists on me doing her hair every day before she eats her breakfast and wants necklaces and hats and dresses, and yet when she's all dressed up cannot resist running straight through a mud puddle.

Watching the three grow up together, its priceless, and I feel the clock ticking.  When I do slow down and enjoy it, the time seems to pause a little bit.  I find time to capture the hugs and the kisses, instead of only remembering the bickering and tempers.

Nothing sweeter than watching a toddler cure everything with a kiss!