
Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Belated Birthday to ME!

A week ago (give and take) I turned 26. Since then I have made 4 attempts to post (unsuccessfully) and the only reason I'm able to do so now is because I caved and am letting the kids watch tv. I had a wonderful day, spoiled rotten, phone calls and cards, homemade raisin bread, dutch waffle cookies, new pots and pans and money to go shopping with. Its fun having a birthday with kids to help celebrate, their eager faces beaming at me before I even had a chance to open my eyes. I had full intentions about posting deeply into my birthday but the moment has passed with the 4 failed attempts and its time to move on. I love birthdays, I love the time to look back and see how one grows in faith, in motherhood and in wifehood (?) It amazes me that here I am at 26 with a busy family, and I pray that the Lord continues to guide me in growth.

Its been a busy two weeks. We had a tea party at my sister-in-laws. Jacob was right in there. For a very boyish boy he's quite excited about tea. Although I think perhaps it was the cookies and treats that went along with it. It was fun, but that morning while trying to get three kids dressed up in their good clothes and get out of the house by 9:30 I didn't think it was such a wonderful idea. Once i had a cup of tea however my thoughts changed:)

Last night I helped a friend move. I left happy, having helped settle a friend and her family into their wonderful new home. Having some road time with another friend and no kids yelling in the back. And...listening to loud banging music, I forgot how fun it was to drive alone. Our van is very familiar with the singing of children's voices and classical music, it was a nice change. As my brain is simply to tired to write any deep and profound thoughts I'll have to leave it at this. Till next time!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Two Steps Behind

My parents know me well. A dreary cold, grey week last week and they brought me these tulips. Every spring it amazes me at what signifies spring and how much I long for these things without even realizing. Until I woke every morning and watched these slowly unfold. They are beautiful and yesterday I saw robins pecking at our grass.

I love spring, you can see the world slowly coming out of hibernation. Its beautiful. There's a promise of warmth and of playing at the parks, walking and making it much easier to run errands with the kids. With this comes much more motivation, which I fear is badly needed around here. Signs of a busy home usually include a mountain of laundry waiting to be folded, toys to be picked up and organized, bathrooms to be scrubbed due to toothpaste smeared everywhere (Jacob!). So today is that day, a catch up day.

Kaylin showing Grandpa her baby pictures. My parents dropped of a box of some dresses we wore as kids. They have become apart of a dress-up box.

Maddie's is growing quickly. She is our chubbiest, happiest baby. I no longer feel sorry for younger kids with older siblings. Life is busy and yet we seem to embrace the times of cuddling more with each one. Perhaps because we understand know how quickly they grow. Lack of sleep has become something that we have adjusted to and waking up multiple times doesn't leave me useless.

We have watched much on the news of the grief and destruction in Japan. It has been a reminder of how quickly our lives can change. To spend so much time building up for ourselves to loose everything in moments. Its a reminder to us all to use the time HE has given us to His glory and not our own.

Friday, March 11, 2011

I'm tired. Its been a cold, dreary weather week and we're all showing the signs of that. Spring can't seem to come fast enough. Motivation is difficult to come by these days as the mountains of laundry and the diaper changes never seem to end. Although i should know by now that they won't end..:) Such a cold dreary week that we turned to pea soup and fresh hot cornbread last night for a comfort meal and to make us warm.

We've tried to make the most of the weather, but the cold grey skies have a way of seeping through all attempts to ignore them. I think even the dog is sick of it.

Yes, we have a dog. Before we had kids we thought it was a wonderful idea. I wanted a little dog, Drew wanted a big dog. He showed me a puppy....I fell in love. You see, I had babies on my mind and well puppies tug at the same emotions. We found out we were pregnant shortly after.

She is a good dog. Fantastic with kids. My jogging partner who helped me get into shape after Kaylin and then after Jacob. She lets me listen to my music while I pound the cement while protecting me while I jog. After Jacob was born we would go early in the morning, before Drew left for work and before Kaylin tumbled out of bed. Last summer she would come with us to the park and settle under a tree, watching the kids. When someone approaches the kids she quietly stands between the stranger and the stroller. No aggressions, simply to show that she is with them. But with baby number 3 my patience runs out quickly with her. It is difficult for with each baby there is less time for her. I heard Kaylin yelling at the dog yesterday, I cringed and realized she was copying me. Being and example is difficult. Showing your children to love and respect animals is important, they are God's creatures as well.

Kaylin with Cheyanne

I was reminded that our children watch everything we do. Even in seemingly little things like a family pet becoming the scapegoat and being yelled at. Having kids can sometimes be like having someone tape your worst moments. They copy and they replay things you say and the things you do.

Its shameful sometimes to hear what you sound like through the mouths of a 4 year old or a 2 year old. And I was reminded that in all things we need to show Gods love, for eachother, for the animals and for the world HE has created. I am an example for my kids, even in the seemingly little things like yelling at a dog. Or perhaps its not such a little thing when you hear or see a child being cruel to an animal?