
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

On Turning 4

I've been MIA for the last little while, thanks to the wretched cold virus that slammed into our home and latched on tight.  Just when I thought I was feeling better, one whole day wonderfully free of headaches, sore throats and several boxes of kleenex the stomach flu got me.  Such is life when Mama is busy chasing little ones, immune systems weaken when your tired so its no wonder why I got it.  Thankfully, Jacob's birthday showed up and we were all free of any illness and we celebrated with as much energy as we could for this newly turned 4 year old. 

Drew decorated with balloons and streamers the night before, I neglected to take pictures, but this boy was happy.  He was gifted with lego and playmobil, which has proven to be a huge hit. 

I'm not sure who is most intrigued by these gifts, as Drew has been quite eager to show off his building skills to the kids.

This one watches intently as they build.

 We made cake pops for his party.  Huge hit!

Gingerbread men were on the menu to decorate, it kept the little hands of many children busy for awhile.

Its hard to believe that 4 years have gone by with this one in our home.  It seems like so little time and yet they change so much in those 4 years.  He's a different little boy than he was a year ago, less quick in anger, in tempers.  It almost feels like a lifetime ago when I would stand by his bed at night praying for patience for the little boy who pushed me to my max day after day.  I remember sitting on my bed at night wondering what I was doing that was obviously so horribly wrong.  Feeling so beaten, and yet looking back, those are times that brought me to my knees.  I know that feeling won't stay away, its apart of this parenting task that we have been called to.  It will merge again, as we enter new stages and new ages and deal with new challenges.  

This 4 year old though?  He's a happy little guy, busy with trucks and colouring and anything to do with construction.  And I'm thankful for this break, for a time when the household is working well together. 

And now one birthday is behind us, Maddie's is next and from that we jump right into Christmas. 

May you all find quiet moments in this busy season!


  1. We so love that little boy! Hugs from all of us! (To maddie and Kaylin too!)

  2. so glad to hear you are well! that is always so rough. what a cute little four year old. : ) sometimes it's nice to just enjoy the party and not take pictures the whole time. kudos to you!

  3. Adorable party! Looks like fun and the cake pops are so pretty.
