
Friday, December 3, 2010

Almost There!

Soon we'll be doing our victory dance, or at least Drew will be, we'll see how long it takes me to actually dance. I've realized that there are a few indications your ready to have a baby. A - your husbands workshirts are getting to small and B - your wearing your husbands workshirts, there's more, but this is our sign.

We have managed to get through Jacob's birthday, we're setting up the Christmas tree this weekend and then....we wait. Somewhere in that waiting we still hope to paint the baby room. We ended up laying aside that goal and opted to use our (Drew's) time to take out the wall between the kitchen and dinning room. Perhaps today we'll venture out to good old Home Depot for paint....and tonight we have a Christmas Party. Last night in my dream my water broke somewhere between getting the punch and eating cheese. We'll see! Happy Friday to you all!


  1. aawww see i told you you lok great.!!!!nice photo!!good luck on that dream thing ya sunday?!?!?!hopefully.

  2. You look beautiful!!! CAN'T WAIT!!! Love you!

  3. You look so good! I love that top...what's the due date?

  4. Grace - we're due the 17th. and thanks!
