
Thursday, January 6, 2011


This little tyke has found her thumb. SUCH a content baby!

I have been feeling overwhelmed with blessings. Blessings of family and friends helping out, of kindness and thoughtfulness being showered on us. Girlfriends have been in and out of the house helping with cleaning and cooking, Kaylin's been picked up for a playdate, phone calls and thoughtful e-mails. To be apart of a church community is a blessing. A witness to the neighbors, who see people coming and going carrying food containers and staying to help. Having parents and inlaws so willing to lend a hand, family close. These are things not to take for granted. And to which I want to say thank-you. The adjustment of having a new baby in the house is going well, the easiest adjustment so far. My recovery from the c-section seems to be going twice as quickly as it did with Jacob, and I seem to be dealing with fatigue quite well. Perhaps because its our third and my body has never gotten used to sleep since Kaylin was born? No sleep is easier to handle when you've done it before and Drew and I seem to have this figured out. We're in it together. We know when the other needs a break and we've been taking turns. Without having to ask eachother. Another blessing. We have grown together so much over the last 5 years and the kids have made us grow even more.

Kaylin and Jacob are happy. As the flu has left them they are now allowed to hold Maddie again. Our attempt at keeping germs away from her proved difficult for the kids, but we did our best to keep her away. Thankfully she only got a slight cold which lasted for a day. And time seems to keep ticking away. And now I must go and bundle up a little girl who is waiting patiently to go jump in the snow!


  1. Glad you are being well taken care of. she is so sweet!

  2. Love the picture of Jacob & Maddie. It's moments like those that make you so thankful and feel so blessed! xo R

  3. I love the communion of saints surrounding you - it makes the distance easier! We love the kids and are thankful you guys are doing better. Know that we are praying for you as you raise your THREE covenant kids to His glory!
