
Friday, January 14, 2011

Week in a Nutshell

I'm learning much about parenting. That with each new addition there is less time to blog, read or sip wine. These things are now done quickly or not at all. Naps are to be grabbed whenever possible, puzzles are wonderful ways to play with two kids at once while rocking a baby. There is so much enjoyment in snuggling the baby in the evening when the house is quiet. No worries about spoiling the little one who is content during the day to sit in her chair and watch the flurry of life going by. The 4:30 feedings have become my quiet time. To enjoy SILENCE. I understand now how quickly time flies by and how quickly they grow and I find myself enjoying this newborn baby stage.

This one loves the bath. This is a new experience for me. Its fun. Fun to see Kaylin and Jacob squish on a chair to watch. They pass me the soap and the washcloth. I try to find ways to keep them involved.

Drew was home this week. So he painted. The old purple of previous owners is finally covered up with a wonderful blue. Yes blue. Just wait until I post pictures and the sceptics of this colour choice for a girls room will be shown. Next week I'm off to used stores in search for girly accents. I have no idea exactly what but I'm thinking fabrics and canvas.....

And this is the face that is telling me to make Jacob stop "beeping" my nose....and for some reasons all my pictures are coming out fuzzy...

Have a nice weekend!


  1. ooh, poor little girl- she doesn't like the beeping! lol
    what a doll :)

  2. love that cute lil' face! Need to snuggle you soon Maddie!! xo R
