
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Road Trip

Yikes...i'm in the midst of making lists of what to pack. My little sister and I are making the drive to Washington DC tomorrow to visit my older sister who moved there recently. We're taking the kids, 4 little ones. Packing into my mini-van. With a LOT of toys, books, cd's. Last night I raided the dollar store and come home with a whole bag of fun things. This bag will remain hidden from the kids and one thing at a time will be handed out as the cranky levels raise. I also caved and am bringing a portable dvd player (GASP!!!!). I was harsh on these not so long ago, when my kids were babies and travelled well. Something about the 9 hours of driving convinced me to changed. Jacob is a terrible passenger, he detests car seats and being tied down. This may be the difference between a good drive and a horrible one. I'm determined not to use it constantly, not to use it right away but to save it. Let them watch a movie or two (or Dora...) somewhere along the drive.

I'm excited! Drew and I were hoping to go together but he is needed at work and thankfully my sister is brave (or foolish) enough to join me..:) I'm not quite brave enough to make the drive by myself. Drew will be well stocked with canned chili and hamburgers. He's already planned to go to his parent's for dinner.

Here's to road trips, dollar stores and portable dvd players!

1 comment:

  1. Love LOVE this pic! Three girls on the swings remind us of the past, one wedding dress and the bridemaids dresses point to the future, and this road trip shows how you all go in different directions, reconnect, and grow, as sisters, wives, mothers, and children of God!!
