
Thursday, June 16, 2011

To Many More

Can you believe how much can happen in 52 years? You can be a baby, a teen, a wife and mother and then grandma not only once but 8 times! (and I have a feeling that all of us kids are just getting started:)

52 years! I have been blessed, with a mother who loves, who guides and who isn't afraid to tell me when I'm wrong. As a teen I was raised in a home where conversations never were forced and we could talk about anything. I remember family hikes on a Sunday night, and then in the winter curling up in front of the TINY tv and watching Road to Avonlea or Anne of Green Gables.

I remember snow days with pancakes and walking to the video store to get the 10 hour version of Pride and Prejudice. And watching it, just cause it was a snow day. I remember one night my Mom packing us in the car and driving after a storm, only to realize once we found it that it probably wasn't safe and rushing back home. Hot chocolate on the porch during storms. A girls trip to Ottawa with a police officer following us for over a mile with his lights flashing. Fights (there was three girls in the poor brother) but no matter how angry I got deep down I knew she was there for me.

She was there when I fell in love, she helped me plan our wedding, she was there minutes after Kaylin was born, pacing the hospital floors, she was there when I called bawling not knowing WHAT to do with a newborn (seriously....they let you just take home a newborn?!)

She was there when Kaylin started walking and when she started talking. She was there when Jacob was born, she has watched him grow and now a third time with Madeline.

Mom - thank-you for always being there! I pray that the LORD gives you many more years as rich and full as the last 52! Happy Birthday

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