
Monday, June 4, 2012

Remembering to Enjoy

I've been forgetting to enjoy this time.  So much noise all around, some of it unnecessary distractions that worm their way into being a focus when they should not be.  I've been having a strong desire to simplify life a bit and refocus my attention on our family.

Its time to step back from extra things and downsize. To embrace the little boy who runs to our bed in the middle of the night and dives in, terrified of the imaginary dinosaur chasing him.  Time to offer protection and love without holding back, without being disgruntled because these needs don't fit into my time schedule.  To shape and mold the fiery, independent spirit he has instead of growing frustrated and angry with it.

I left facebook the other day.  I felt a nudge to start taking away some of the distractions that have been causing extra noise in my head.  I love facebook, I find it beneficial and it can be a great tool.  Someday I may go back to it.  But right now I need to stop and re-focus on the real life around me, the little ones that need my attention.  My devotions that need to become a priority.  Not status updates and pictures of what everyone else is doing, but to enjoy this.  The role that I've been given.

To remember to stop  in the middle of the dishes and crank the music and dance.  To spread a blanket under the blue sky and read the stack of books that little hands so eagerly piled up.  And lay side by side with those little bodies that wiggle and giggle and interrupt the story with an excited finger pointing to a cloud shaped like a dog, and another like a tractor.  To set aside the computer and play soccer with Jacob, who played his first real game last week and is proudly sporting a No. 8 on his back.  To embrace this time with Kaylin before she starts kindergarten in September.  To grab onto those chubby arms of Maddie's when the reach up for my neck, to memorize the feeling of her head burying into my shoulder.  To get rid of some of the distractions and start saying "no" to extra activities.  To start enjoying being at home with them again.

Watching the bond between sisters grow is beautiful and I don't want to be so busy that I miss it.  This little one is developing quite the little personality, a girly girl who insists on me doing her hair every day before she eats her breakfast and wants necklaces and hats and dresses, and yet when she's all dressed up cannot resist running straight through a mud puddle.

Watching the three grow up together, its priceless, and I feel the clock ticking.  When I do slow down and enjoy it, the time seems to pause a little bit.  I find time to capture the hugs and the kisses, instead of only remembering the bickering and tempers.

Nothing sweeter than watching a toddler cure everything with a kiss!


  1. Good to hear from you again, Linds! We are trying to simplify life a little more too and are finding more pleasure in little and precious things - toddler squeals on swings, laughter surrounding a kiddie pool, stories shared on the couch on a rainy afternoon. It's going to go by so quickly! Enjoy these moments!

  2. I echo many of your thoughts. In my head and heart, mostly, because I can't seem to get anything to travel down my arms and out of my fingers onto a keyboard. I feel like I'm in a season of silence. But it's far from silent. It's really loud, messy, and LOUD. But I guess in the realm of social media this, and social media that, it's simple and it's quiet. And good. I'd say it's very good (I quit facebook over a year ago. Good move.)

  3. I hear you! (or i read you...) I feel the exact same way!

  4. Amen! I was reminded this week to "Breath in gospel, breath out grace" and was reminded how desperately us momma's who are dealing with littles need to be fed good stuff, and I'm reminded that I can't do that when I'm working on everything else. A good reminder of what noises am I filling my head and heart with! Thanks, Linds!

  5. Samantha just said, "Whoa! Maddie's grown!! We miss Kaylin. Jacob's monster looks fun!" See you in August!!!
