
Friday, October 7, 2011

Gobble Gobble

I get asked sometimes if I wish I had gotten a degree, if I wish I had pushed back marriage a couple of years.

I love my life.  As simply as it may be, I have been blessed, so blessed with a happy marriage.  I married young, my husband is 7.5 years older than me, that has a way of changing plans.  Before we met I had dreams of degrees and of traveling.  The Lord had different plans and I met Drew and quickly realized that my life was going to take a different turn.  And its been a GOOD path.  A path full of bumps, tears, exhaustion, laughs and memories.  A path that has made me grow, that has taught me contentment and what it means to be thankful.

Nothing sweeter than sisters and bed-head!

I'm 26, I have three little ones, a husband who loves me deeply, a strong relationship with both our families.  A church family who I love, friendships that I cherish.  A turkey sitting in my fridge that I am itching to cook tomorrow.  A thanksgiving menu that has had my attention this past week.  A simple life.  One that may not be glamourous, seems old-fashioned and even boring to some.

I'd disagree though.  I'm 26.  With a family around me, children whom the LORD has blessed us with.  A family that needs me.  A thanksgiving dinner that needs to be cooked and served.  A home, a HAPPY home.  Even in the tempers of a little boy who disagreed with me that oatmeal was a good choice for breakfast:)  I have been blessed.  Deeply blessed.  This is my life.  And you know what?  It IS a good life!

I'd say I have a LOT to be thankful for!



  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!

  2. You do have a lot to be thankful do we all! Happy Thanksgiving to you guys!

  3. Blog hopped here from Grace, and I love this post! I married young, to a man 8 years older than myself, am 25 with two kids and have to chuckle everytime I think back to those folks who told me I was "wasting my best years" by getting married early. I am so blessed, and fulfilled with the path God has led me down, I couldn't be happier! If only I could sit down with each and every person who ever offered a snide remark, and share with them this very fact...Our ways can never compare to His!!!

  4. Love those little kiddos! What characters God has given you, and 6 1/2 years of marriage. God is good! I'm thankful that while you don't minimize the challenges of motherhood/wifehood, you still see this gift of God, and are thankful for it. I'm thankful for you!
