
Friday, December 30, 2011

Making Messes

Today is a blah day for us.  Kids are cranky and I'm having some difficulty getting motivated.  Sometimes the daily routines of tiding and cleaning and playing and disciplining feels so monotonous.  Boring, making it easy to wallow and feel like it isn't important.  That everything that "needs" to be done can simply be put off until tomorrow.  And it always feels like these are the days that the tears flow, that the diapers dirty faster and the attitude kicks up a notch.

And so I'm distracting myself during quiet time with a coffee and a blog post.  Looking through pictures of another home day.  And reminding myself that it IS important.  That the importance in the routine is sitting down for lunch and doing devotions with kids, even when it seems like they are not listening.  Of letting them fill the table with colouring and play-doh and puzzles.  Listening to them chatter, and fight over who's turn it is with the blue pen, while I work around the kitchen.  In our home these are some of the best teaching moments.  The best conversations. 

Jacob's more of a play-doh man, he makes spiders using toothpicks, he "buries" his cars in a ball and then uses his rescue truck to save them.  I've made him a sensory bin using a bucket with a lid, some old peas and old rice.  He spends hours with this, using his tractors to pile up the "construction sand".  Yes, it sometimes makes a mess.  But for me, this is apart of the whole raising kids, kids make messes.  Thankfully the clean-up is becoming easier as these little hands are getting better at helping. I let them practice sweeping and hand them the vacuum.  I've discovered the more I relax with the messes they make the happier they play.

This one will scramble up the stairs as fast as she can when she thinks I'm not looking.  She scoots into her room and throws blankets around.  I hear her giggling.

Then when she sees me she tries to run away. 

And then starts yammering to me.  And then we tidy up and go downstairs and it happens again.  For me it can feel monotonous, for her each time is thrilling and exciting.  And I'm thankful for these pictures to remind myself that a "boring" day at home isn't so bad!

Happy New Year to you all!


  1. Oh, I know those days. Where you wake up on the wrong side of bed...and it seems the whole family does as well.

  2. i have these days. glad i'm not alone. : ) hope today has been wonderful, though! happy new year to you and yours.

  3. Ahhhh, have I been here or what?! Makes you ever more grateful for new mercies in the morning. Adorable pictures of your little mess makers. :)

  4. His grace is sufficient for you! You can do all things through Him who strengthens you! I am so thankful your kids have a mom who is letting them create, explore and make messes! Today is our 'blah' day, and we've made it 'fort day' :) We put random scrolling through our pictures as our screen saver, and it's really helping me praise God for these absolutely ordinary days and growing little ones! Praying for you today!
