
Friday, January 27, 2012

Maddie picked up the flu bug at the end of last week and the weekend was spent with us on the look-out for dehydration and fighting to keep her fever down.  Stinker, for a little girl who is such a gem during the day she's not a very good easy sick baby.  In fact terrible.  She spent the weekend fighting sleep, wanting to be held and not wanting to be held at the same time.  I was quickly reminded how exhausting it is dealing with the flu.  So I bought me some oil of oregano and have been faithfully taking it every day, Drew's rather skeptic but I'm rather hopeful, that it will ward off the bugs.  You know whats worse than dealing with flu bugs in kids?  When momma has the flu and has to deal with sick kids.  So my fingers are crossed that oil of oregano is as great as I've heard.....even though it is possibly the most awful tasting substance I have ever had....

Thankfully the bug is gone and life moves on.  I was thankful for television, it provided Drew and I with a coffee break on Sunday after church.  Normally we keep the tv turned off on Sunday.  Not for any moral reason, we simply were tired of kids asking for tv as soon as we came home from church. Two weeks of saying, nope no tv on Sundays, and they stopped asking.  Sunday is our worship/family day.  Its a day that Drew is home.  Where books and puzzles and games get pulled out.  And it is awesome!  TV is wonderful, when kids are sick, when you just need 20 min to finish a coffee, when a friend calls and needs to chat.  The challenge is not using it too much, have you read stats on how much tv kids are watching???!!  It is NUTS!  

So I try to use to tv wisely, usually reserving it for 4:00 and then they can watch 30 min.  I can sit and recharge before the dinner rush.

Puzzles work wonders in this house.  Kaylin tackles the 100 pieces and does well, Jacob is on the 25 pieces, and I guide him along.  Puzzles were what got us through the weeks of c-section recovery with newborn Maddie and it stuck.  The kitchen table gets covered with pieces and I try to not take over and only offer aid when it is needed.  Although I was informed yesterday that I should get my own puzzle so I don't do theirs:)

Puzzles, play-doh and books are favorites in this house, what are yours?


  1. Sorry you have had sickness. That is the worst! Glad she is better. Our favorites are books, and just toys in general. TV time is at around 4 as well, or sometimes in the morning if Cora wakes up really early.

    1. sickness is not fun but definitely easier when there is no new baby or nursing involved!!!

  2. Oh no! So glad everyone seems to be on the mend, tummy bugs are awful. Oregano makes you feel like a walking pizza, but it's supposed to be very beneficial. We keep a lot of elder berry syrup on hand for immume boosting properties. That and acidophilus are both wonderful for stomach virus things.

    I'm really trying hard to impliment a no-tv-on-Sunday rule. We watch church on TV most weeks, but we have made a point of no cartoons, etc. Baby steps!

    Playdough and finger paints are a big hit here!

    1. checking out the elder berry syrup today....

  3. Something our kids have been loving lately is listening to "Life at the pond". It's audio stories about the critters at the pond who learn lessons of life and faith, and while it's somewhat moralistic, it's pretty good, and the kids all love it... and it feels better than letting them watch tv (although they still sit behind the computer staring at the monitor :)

    1. Just wrote it down Laura - the kids LOVE Beethoven Lives Upstairs, you got it for them a long time ago. Its our in the car favorite:)

  4. Also love the pics and glad to see they are feeling better!
