
Friday, January 20, 2012

While the kids are eating

I've written and deleted 4 blog posts this week.  Why? Too much coffee, a baby who isn't sleeping and the constant "mom I need help, mom he hit me, mom she stole my trains....MOOOOMMM". Its been a slow week after three ridiculous ones.  A sign of being too busy for a few weeks is when I find myself with days that aren't crammed full wandering the house and sweeping randomly and looking for my comfort books that have been read a hundred times (Anne of Avonlea and a Tree Grows in Brooklyn....).  A slow week after a few busy weeks means our house has been ringing with the loudness of little ones...who have been fighting much and yelling more.  Today we are back on track.  They are eating their oatmeal, its 8:30 and there has not yet been an potty accident, a fist fight or toys stolen from each other.  And I just drank an entire coffee without being interrupted.  I'm aiming to slow down for the next little while....our house is much more pleasant:)

Highlight of this week.  The butterfly museum.

The terror of Kaylin and Jacob when we walked through the doors and they saw hundreds of butterflies floating above them.

And then the way they completely forgot that the whole time they were clinging to us and asking to go home.  How brave they were after we walked through and Kaylin pointed out the butterflies we saw.  And when Dad came home how "cool" and "awesome" the butterflies were.   Not one word of being terrified:)

I learned that going somewhere with kids and grandparents is pretty relaxing.  I'm thinking about bringing them along on my weekly grocery trips....

Poor Jake.....on the way home he fell asleep and we decided that washing the van would be a great idea. Not a fun way to wake up........I think that he's getting back at me in potty accidents....


And this one was quite content to just sit in the stroller and chatter. She took her first two trembling steps this week.  

Happy Friday!


  1. I totally laughed about taking the sleeping kid through the car wash. Ohhh man, it's a wonder we don't scar them for life. :P That butterfly museum looks awesome! And you are so right, Grandparents make trips to town so much easier. It's amazing! Have a great week!

  2. You parents havent changed at all!!!! Sorry it has been a rough couple weeks but am glad you were able to take them somewhere fun:) Hope you have a blessed and relaxing weekend.

  3. what fun at the butterfly museum! it's so nice to have restful days after hectic ones. hope your week this go around is relaxing (as much as possible, that is, with kiddos!). : )
