
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

On turning 27

Yesterday was my birthday.  I woke up thinking I had turned 28 but my husband kindly laughed and corrected me, I did in fact turn 27.  In a strange way it made me feel as though I turned a whole year younger instead of older.....I kinda liked it :)

Anyways, the weather has been ridiculous and fantastic.  Kids running around in shorts and bare feet.  Me realizing that I really don't have the months of March and April to work on toning my arms and legs before the warm weather hits.  Jacob discovering the joys of hoses and mud. Being a stay at home mom is definitely easier for me in the warmer months, messier ;) but easier.  It allows me to kick kids outside when the noise levels reach to a certain point.  The kids run and play and I'm thankful for a fenced in yard. The kids sleep better, the days are longer, Drew and I have more bounce in our steps.

Tonight Drew took me out for Thai food.  We fell in love with a little restaurant nearby when we were first married.  We don't get many chances to go out, but it makes the nights we do that much more precious.  To sit and eat and hold hands, to converse without being interrupted.  Birthdays always find me reflecting on life.  I'm blessed, so richly blessed.  I look at pictures of Drew teaching Kaylin to play chess, so patiently.  Reminding me the importance of stopping and putting other tasks on hold, in order to teach a little girl who has been eager to learn for awhile.

Who comes home after a long day at work and heads straight to the little feet that are wiggling to be ticked.

And this role as wife and mother, it is a hard road.  One that is met with exhaustion and constant demands.  A role that is often brushed away by others, evident in the way the checkout lady asked me last week "no seriously, what else do you do?"

I am happy, content.  This simple role that I have been asked to fill is beautiful, the chubby arms that wrap around my neck so tight.  The little voices that crawled into bed the morning of my birthday and whispered "I love you Mom".

The giggles of a little blond girl when she's being tickled.  The questions of little ones at the table when we do our devotions.  The difficult days that end with a story and a couch that feels full, when the screaming tempers of earlier seem not so bad.

This life....its really pretty great!


  1. Happy belated birthday Lindsey! Only someone who does not stay at home with kids would say "is that all you do?"

    Enjoy the warm weather...we are certainly enjoying ours and the longer days are the best.

  2. Happy Belated Birthday, Linds! God's continued blessings in the coming year!

  3. Happy belated birthday, indeed. I have to agree with you about this warmer weather, it is SO wonderful. That is, until it's scorching and then I'll be back to complaining. Then it'll be TOO hot to send kids outside. Hmph, at least that's how it is here. The most beautiful seasons are the shortest.
    ANYWHO. Can't believe that lady said that to you. I agree with Grace, only someone who doesn't stay at home with kids would say that!

  4. Congratulations on turning a year younger! And I almost choked when that lady said that to you :) Sigh, the poor ignorant lady who obviously does not get to be surrounded by sticky peanut butter hugs, and crayons on the wall, and a house that looks like it's been robbed every day around 4 pm! Love seeing this little glimpses into your days, like the mud covered face and the blond wearing beads - she's growing so much! Love you!

  5. happy birthday a few days late! i'll be 27 this year, too. go 1985! ; ) thai food is divine. hope this next year is a blessed one for you, sweets!
