
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sunny Days

Yes I'm here.  Alive and partially breathing.  Partially only because when I look around me and see the state of my house I partially stop breathing.   But I'm ignoring that, the sun has been far too warm and the birds far too enticing to be coped up organizing playrooms and such.  Last week the deacons (and their wives) organized our churches annual seniors dinner.  A lot of fun and a lot of work, which explains my  quiet mood this week.  I'm thinking about changing my birthday request to Drew from new clothes to hiring a housecleaner.  Although once I go back upstairs and peer into my closet I'll quickly change my mind.  My wardrobe at the moment screams the I've-been-pregnant-or-with-a-under-one-year-old-for-the-past-4-summers cry, and as I sat watching the kids undertake the transformation of driveway into art, courtesy of chalk, I realized how great this summer is going to be.

Maddie's walking all over, quite independent and easy to handle, the other two have been so busy finding worms and playing tag and blowing bubbles I can even start thinking of projects to do.  Like paint the kids table for instance.  Yes, a different summer is heading this way for us and I'm excited.

I've been working at not hiding from neighbors, but opening our doors wide.  I found myself on the driveway surrounded by neighbor kids ranging from 5-10.  A bit of new ground for us, as our kids were always really too small for anything other than play-dates with parents.  As I watched Kaylin playing tag with kids that were 7-10 I was reminded that she is just 5 and I'm unsure how this works.  Today after dinner was our first night of kids knocking on the door asking for Kaylin to come out and play.  In my mind this wasn't going to happen until she is older, but it is happening, any advise for me?

And I end with this picture - of my littlest who has quite seriously claimed the sweeping chore after dinner.  She cries every time someone else grabs the broom and comes stomping over with her hands open.  I sorta want time to stand still for a little while.....


  1. Enjoy the sunshine ... and time standing still for a bit.

    Happy day,

  2. Glad you are having warm weather there as well! I asked for clothes as well and am going shopping with my sister's this weekend..I seriously have about 2 tshirts to my name. Crazy.

  3. thank you for reminding me to keep our doors open. the neighbor kids are much older than ours - like middle school ish. so that makes me want to slam my doors. ha!
