
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

the Saga Continues

The flu seems to continue in our house. Just when we think we have said our farewells it comes back. First me, then Drew and last night Maddie. As I'm near my breaking point with holding screaming children I'm going to share how I have become wiser in the last few weeks. This may prove to be more interesting than me lamenting my sorrows of cleaning up "v"....

*Make sure your kids are awake BEFORE dosing them with cold medicine....try calming down a screaming child who has been assulted by sticky syrup while asleep. Poor Kaylin...

*3:00a.m. is NOT the time to discuss whose idea it was to have these kids....

*5:00a.m. is still not the time to discuss the above....

*vapor rub on the feet works wonders

*buying a bright pink undergarment because its "looks like spring" and is on sale is not great when you realize that 50% of your shirts are white.....

*dreams get wierd when your running on little sleep

*Betty White keeps trying to give me a file folder of to do things.......wierd wierd dreams

*I screamed at Betty White and told her to do her own laundry....wierd wierd dreams

*I'm going to convince Drew to buy shares in the tylenol, cool vapor mist thingy and vopor rub. Who needs retirement funds??

*Kaylin informed me this morning that theres many germs in our house and therefore we need to eat pizza or pancakes..they have LOTS of vegetables in them....

*do NOT buy polar fleece sweaters for kids when you have a dog

*seriously...polar fleece and dogs is like smarties and sun...


  1. Lindsey- that was hilarious! Great to see you still have a sense of humor!

  2. I've never laughed so hard...the best one was the conversations at 3:00am! lol xo R

  3. hahahahahah i am dieing of laughter right now!!!! thanks for a good laugh Linds...oh and you too, Betty White. i love Betty and so should you Linds!!!
    oh and if you really want to talk about what made you want that third kid i do believe you can blame that on Robin and John after the birth of Carter.! so there.
