
Friday, February 4, 2011


I woke this morning with the excitement of a new day. The joy that comes from having a good sleep, by good sleep I mean I slept for a 4 hour stretch....all at once. I woke with no snow storms, no plans and the idea that we could go out and explore. I was debating between Costco and Library or the Early Childhood Centre...fantastic place that allows Kaylin to paint to her hearts content, allows Jacob to play with a "cool" train track and lets the kids socialize while I can either play with them or mingle with other Moms. I had plans to tackle redoing the blog...the ugly blog that I have ignored until the day would come when I would have "time". I really don't understand how making a blog look nice works, I'm a bit lost with templates and I've been waiting...I had plans to write about a wonderful discussion with a seasoned Mom on "Seasons".

I sat at the computer with a coffee, baby feed, kids playing, silence upstairs...I started my work on the blog...I had enough time to mess around with it and make it look worse.

then I heard a noise. A noise that I thought had left our house last week....a noise that leaves Mom dropping everything and running for the sanitizer and a mop...leaves moms breathing through their mouth so they don't smell it...vomit. Poor Jacob, crankiness I thought was from teething was actually from being sick. My plans for today have to be adjusted. This season seems to be of illness and long nights. But thankfully I have had a good nights sleep!


  1. Any thoughts on using Blogger or Wordpress??

  2. Linds, any help you need with Wordpress- let me know :) I love it!!!

    Sorry Jacob is sick again, poor little guy!

  3. My husband loves wordpress...if you're good on the computer then you'll be fine...sorry you have more sickness!
