
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Giving Thanks - Part 2

Its a cold rainy Tuesday.  Tuesdays are a bit of a highlight for me these days, there is no school for Kaylin, no extra day-care kids.  Its our library day, our morning to go out with just the 4 of us and explore piles of books.  Jacob and Maddie nap well on Tuesdays and Kaylin plays quietly in her room during nap time.  And that means I have time to show you pictures of our 4 day escape into the forest.

A place were fashion became non-existent and in its place was "wear whatever and as many clothes as you can so you don't freeze".  We hiked and walked and warmed our hands by the fire.  It wasn't all wonderful, there was tears and some sibling rivalry over small things, like who gathered the most acorns, who had the bigger bowl of chips, normal day-to-day stuff.  The difference was Drew and I were there, together with no distractions.  The day-time parenting was split between the both of us and for me this is always a break.  We hiked and walked and explored most of the time. 

You'll probably have noticed that I've been working on the blog design, bare with me as I fiddle around with it over the next week.  Hubby suggested the name "Dumptrucks and Pigtails" randomly one night when I was lamenting over the fact that I couldn't think of anything.  After rolling it over in my head for a bit I realized I liked it and decided to give it a try.  For those of you who follow me, if I change my url/domain I'll be sure to send you a note to update your links.

Happy rainy, foggy and cozy Tuesday!


  1. I love to read a bit about your family Lindsey!
    So...keep updating! And if you change your url/domain, don't forget to send me a note! ;-)
    And I love the new name!

    Daniëlle (from Holland)

  2. love the new looks good too. I have been meaning to update mine forever...and also post...

    Looks like a great time for you and your family!
